Bay Area Rehab
Luxury Addiction Treatment Near San Francisco

Reflections - Bay Area Rehab

1191 Simmons Ln, Novato, CA 94945

Tour Our Drug and Alcohol Rehab - Bay Area

The virtual tour of our rehab in Marin County can give you a chance to virtually visit the facility you may be staying at during your time in treatment.

If you’d like a private, in-person tour, contact our team today and we can schedule one for you and your family.

Most Insurances Accepted

We work with most all PPO insurances, typically through your employer, to find you the best price for comprehensive addiction treatment. Some of our most popular partners with our Bay Area rehab include:

Bay Area Luxury Rehab Amenities

At our inpatient rehab in the Bay Area, we offer first class accommodations and luxury amenities on a gated two acre estate ensuring all clients can focus on addiction treatment. Our services are offered throughout northern California in San Francisco, San Jose, Palo Alto, Pleasanton, Napa County, and Marin County.

Fitness center at reflections bay area rehab in Novato California

On-Site Fitness Center

Our on-site fitness center gives clients a chance to improve their mental and physical well-being through exercise. Exercise and fitness regimens have been proven to help with withdrawal symptoms, prevent relapse, and improve other aspects of mental health including lowering anxiety and reduced chance of depression.

private bedrooms for addiction treatment in bay area rehab

Private Rooms

Our Bay Area rehab includes private rooms for all clients to help them decompress after the day is over. It also allows them to have some semblance of privacy during their stay at our treatment program and focus on personal therapy goals.

electronics allowed at marin county drug and alcohol rehab

Electronics Allowed

Many treatment programs have a no-electronics-allowed policy, but at Reflections, we understand that some people may need access to ensure their business stays up and running or to connect with loved ones. For this reason, clients are allowed access to phones and laptops during their stay.

pool and spa at reflections rehab in bay area california

Pool & Spa

During downtime, clients have access to the pool and spa area available on site. Addiction treatment is no easy feat and can be a mentally draining experience. Our aquatic oasis give clients the opportunity to relax outside in between sessions.

executive chef meals to help with addiction recovery at california rehab center

Executive Chef

At Reflections, we utilize private executive chefs to prepare and cater all meals to our clients. We work with our clients to ensure that the food provided works with their specific diet needs and offers them the nutrition needed during the recovery process.

game room for use at reflections drug and alcohol rehab in novato california

Game Room

Our game room gives clients the ability to decompress during treatment and connect with other clients. This mental break helps clients have fun during treatment, thus staying longer, and gives their mind a different environment to process the information they are learning.

Learn More about the amenities at Reflections - Bay Area Rehab

Bay Area Rehab Center
Treatment Options

Clients at our drug and alcohol rehab centers in Novato, California go through an in-depth intake evaluation allowing our clinical team to create an individualized care plan based on each client’s situation. This treatment plan is comprised of our numerous advanced, evidence-based treatment options, including:

Daily Individual Sessions

While individual therapy sessions are found in many Bay Area addiction treatment centers, Reflections leads the pack with daily, individual sessions. Our PhD and masters-level clinical team believes firmly that inpatient rehab is a time to focus on growing yourself and battling addiction at the root causes. Daily 1-on-1 support from trained therapists is a crucial ingredient in this effort.

Dual Diagnosis Treatment

Mental health disorders and addiction go hand-in-hand, with both problems exacerbating the other, leading to a chaotic downward spiral. At Reflections’ drug rehab centers in Bay Area, California, we treat both problems simultaneously to overcome the problem at the source and get our client’s new lives started on a solid foundation.

Family Therapy

Addiction is not something that just impacts the user, but can affect everyone the user is close to. This is why family therapy is vital for a successful recovery. Reflections’ monthly Family Program offers ongoing family therapy as needed during treatment at our Bay Area rehab.

Didactic Group Therapy

In group therapy we utilize didactic educational programming to heal various underlying problems that can contribute to addiction. This type of treatment can cover topics such as anger management, dialectical behavior therapy skills, relationships in recovery, and more.

Holistic Treatment

Along with more standard, evidence-based treatment, Reflections also offers more holistic approaches that include therapeutic, experiential, recreational, and nutritional components. This adds more nuance to our comprehensive programming and can act as a complementary treatment.

Continuing Care Planning

Treatment doesn’t end when you leave our doors. We set all of our clients up with continuing care plans that look different for each client. This can include things like additional support groups, continued private therapy sessions, access to our sober living communities, and more.

Relapse Prevention

Relapse impedes successful long-term recovery. To counter this, our clients go through intensive relapse prevention planning therapies and courses to help them learn what to do when they feel the urges to use again. They will learn to implement these mental exercises when exposed to triggering stimuli and harmful cravings after they’ve discharged.

Receive Exclusive addiction treatment at Reflections - Bay Area Rehab

Bay Area
Addiction Treatment Staff

Not only does our drug and alcohol rehab in the Bay Area have evidence-based treatment services and an outstanding 2:1 staff-to-client ratio, we also relentlessly vet our treatment providers and ensure our staff is comprised of addiction experts and top performers in their field.

PhD-Level Clinical Psychologists

The clinical director of our Bay Area residential treatment center, Tim Worden, is a PhD level psychologist that has been working in the field of mental health and addiction for over 25 years. He runs the program and works with a multifaceted team of mental health therapists and addiction counselors to uncover and treat the underlying issues causing substance use.

Dedicated Family Therapists

Working closely with Dr. Worden are our primary therapists and Licensed Marriage and Family Therapists (LMFTs) at our residential facility include Chad McCain, and David France. Both of these therapists have trained extensively to help people heal, cope, and recover from trauma and substance abuse.

Certified Advanced Alcohol and Drug Counselors

Along with these specific care providers, we also have a number of Certified Advanced Alcohol and Drug Counselors (CAADC) available to ensure all of our clients are getting the help they need. At Reflections, we understand how important it is for families and loved ones to feel comfortable dropping their loved one off for treatment. Our Bay Area rehab team has the expertise and manpower to ensure that all of our clients are treated on a private and individual basis.

Adjunctive Therapists

Along with our main team, Reflections also uses a number of adjunctive therapists to offer additional treatment options to clients who are looking for different approaches to treatment. These adjunctive therapies include:

  • Music Therapy
  • Art Therapy
  • Equine Therapy
  • Yoga
  • Meditation
  • and more

Treatment Programs
at our Bay Area Drug Rehab

We understand that each client has a different situation and our treatment options reflect this reality. We offer a number of different treatment tracks for specific situations.

front entrance to bay area executive rehab for drug and alcohol abuse

Bay Area
Executive Rehab

Many of our clients are business owners or C-suite executives that still need to operate or oversee many day-to-day tasks. To help with these, our executive treatment program allows our clients to work during their time in treatment, including laptop and tablet use any time they are not in a clinical meeting.

private and luxurious pool oasis for celebrity clients at addiction rehab in the bay area

Private & Celebrity Rehab
Near San Francisco

Privacy is a pillar of our treatment offerings at Reflections. We know that addiction can impact anyone and if you or someone you love is looking for a private or celebrity rehab in Marin County that will ensure privacy and discretion, our exclusive 6-resident residential facility can provide you with the security you need while receiving advanced treatment and luxurious comfort.

gated addiction treatment center in marin county for lgbt rehab

LGBTQ+ Rehab
in Novato, California

Less than ⅓ of treatment programs in California offer addiction programming specifically tailored for LGBTQ+ clients, but at Reflections we know how important it is to take a personalized approach. Our supportive and inclusive LGBT rehab takes into account each individual’s unique history and therapeutic programming and treatment based around these facts.

Our Alcohol & Drug Treatment Centers in Marin County Near San Francisco

lounge area at reflections bay area detox

Bay Area Detox

Begin your recovery with medical detox in a luxury setting licensed for drug and alcohol detox.

interior of reflections bay area intensive outpatient addiction treatment

Bay Area IOP

Maintain sobriety with our day programs that help you develop and sustain the tools learned in rehab.

Exterior of Reflections Bay Area Sober Living

Bay Area Sober Living

Find a community and live in a space dedicated to addiction recovery in our extended care program.

Start Your Recovery with Professional Clinical Help Today