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Hallucinogen Addiction

Ketamine Addiction

Ketamine (which is also referred to as K, Special K, Vitamin K, green, and jet) is a tranquilizer (anesthetic) that has some medical use with humans but is more commonly used in veterinary medicine. Ketamine is a “club drug,” a hallucinogen, and a dissociative drug. Other common dissociative hallucinogens are PCP and nitrous oxide (laughing gas). When abused for recreational purposes, Ketamine is commonly snorted in powder form, or injected in liquid form.

Ketamine Addiction

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Ketamine abuse can lead to a range of experiences and emotions, from a mild floating sensation to a hallucinogenic “out of body experience.” These effects have made Ketamine a popular club drug (abused while attending dance parties, clubs, or all-night raves). Other common club drugs include Ecstasy (MDMA), Rohypnol, and GHB. Ketamine abuse can lead to a number of dangerous side effects and when abused in combination with other drugs, such as alcohol or marijuana, the dangers are compounded.

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