How to Detox Your Body from THC: Effective and Natural Methods

Addiction, Marijuana, Recovery

Although cannabis, also known as THC, has been used for medicinal purposes for over 12,000 years, with roots in the Central Asia area, that doesn’t mean it’s problem-free. For many people, frequent and heavy cannabis use can cause physical and psychological dependency, even leading to addiction. Learning how to detox your body from THC naturally […]

Breaking the Cycle: How to Detox From Marijuana

Marijuana, Recovery

Acceptance and legalization of marijuana are on the rise, which makes the decision to step back and detox from cannabis seem counterintuitive. However, recognizing the need to detox marks the beginning of a significant journey. Detoxing from marijuana is more nuanced than it might seem. It’s not simply about stopping use; it’s about addressing the […]

Can You Go to Rehab for Weed?

Marijuana, Recovery

Even though cannabis has a lighter reputation and is useful in helping with relaxation and pain, using it long-term does pose risks. In fact, approximately 1 in 10 people who use cannabis will eventually become addicted. The truth is, if you’ve used weed for a long time, it’s not so easy to quit on your […]

Separating Fact From Fiction: Does Marijuana Kill Brain Cells?


With 16% of Americans using Marijuana in a single year, it is very troubling to hear when people say that the drug has a chance of killing off brain cells. At the same time, though, a level of due diligence is always important when one hears news or rumors such as this. So the question […]