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Founder / CEO

Louise McCallion

Louise McCalllon, CEO, founded Reflections In 2011 as a result of her personal experience in seeking intensive mental health treatment for her own self destructive behaviors and choices as a result of untreated significant childhood trauma. Despite having successful careers in technology and real estate developement and high functioning in many other aspects of her life, self sabotage remained present in the form of behavioral choices. Intensive credentialed psychotherapy in a private empowering residential setting for otherwise high functioning individuals, many working professsionals, did not exist at that time. Louise gathered the best professional in the field and together they created the first truly Dual Diagnosis program in Northern California.

Clinicians & Staff

Dr. William Hanna

Executive Clinical Director

Olejan Hafstad

Executive Director

Dr. Deborah Bowman DNP, PhD, NP, CARN-AP, FIAAN

Detox Specialist

Steve Balt, MD


Chad McCain, LMFT

Primary Therapist

John Foord, A-MFT

Primary Therapist

Sharon Johnson, LCSW

Primary Therapist

Nancy Janko, LMFT

Primary Therapist

Joseph Michel

Counselor, BA, CATC III

Leo Alvarez, CADC-I

Certified Drug and Alcohol Counselor

Ronald Patrick, M-RAS, SUDCC II

Certified Drug and Alcohol Counselor

Greg Loiacono, CADC II

Recovery in Music Counselor

Gregory Holmes

Chief Operating Officer

Kristin Furuichi

Admissions Director

Tara Kesecker, LVN, BA

Nurse Manager

Kevin Eagleson

Program Manager

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